Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Use Up In Jacksonville Too!

Down Economy Good For Library Business
Posted By:
Ryan Duffy 18 days ago

Great tv news story featuring Director Barbara Gubbin!

JACKSONVILLE, FL -- This summer, the entire Jacksonville library system has seen more users in several areas compared to last year.

Overall, library use is up nine percent this year.

There has been a seven percent increase in people walking in and hits on the library website have increased 23%.

"The bottom line is we aren't seeing anything go down, we're doing more at the library and yes part of that is attributable to the economy and people having to make difficult decisions about what they can afford to do and can't and what we offer is free," says library director Barbara Gubbin. And it's not just books, but DVDs and music all for free.

Gubbin says people are also using the library to help with economy related problems.

Librarians have seen an 18% increase in the number of people with questions.
"People need help with updating their resumes, how do I apply for this job online, it says I have to apply online, I'm not quite sure where to go, can you help me," says Gubbin.

Gubbin says she hopes this might be a time when people rediscover their local library.

Visit the Jacksonville Library online at

First Coast News

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